Websites don't have to be difficult.
They can be set up quickly,
without a fuss.

Take a look at our
baseline websites.

When the chips were down, June 21
set up an SMS gateway so that we
could communicate with some of our
most difficult to reach clients.

They work outside the box.

Günter Pfeifer,
Retirement Fund Solutions

Your site is a tangible asset.
What sort of insurance
can you get for it?

Take a look at our
hosting and security.

These guys woke at 5 AM for about
8 years to update our news site, including Christmas and New Year.

Where do you get service like that?

Marc Gregan,
MD, AfricaOnline

Most websites gather dust.
We believe that your site
can communicate at a fraction
of the price of traditional media.

Take a look at how we
handle communication.

June 21 has an excellent combination of technical understanding of what needs to be done, and also branding and online communication.

A rare and unique combination.

Manjo Krige,
Namibia Organic Association

It's great to have a website,
but who provides the service
after it goes live on the web?

Service is business.
We believe in service.

June 21 showed us mobile social networking and mobile instant messaging on the Symbian OS,
about three years before the rest
of the world got smartphones.

They don't know how
to think inside the box.

Marc Gregan,
MD, AfricaOnline